Quotes from former Jehovah’s Witnesses about their Christian faith

Former members of the Jehovah’s Witnesses who transition to Biblical Christianity often speak about discovering a different understanding of biblical teachings and experiencing a new relationship with Jesus Christ. Here are quotes from seven individuals who have left the Jehovah’s Witnesses and have discussed their Christian faith:

Raymond Franz (1922–2010), Former Governing Body Member:

  • “I have not given up my faith in God or in his Son, Jesus Christ, or in the Bible as God’s Word. But I have given up the concept of ‘organization’ as essential for serving God and for gaining life.”
    • From “Crisis of Conscience”

Bill Cetnar (1927–2011), Former Jehovah’s Witness and Christian Apologist:

  • “The real issue is the mediatorship of Jesus Christ – that He alone is the mediator between God and men – not an organization.”
    • From his talks and ministry materials

David A. Reed (contemporary), Author and Minister:

  • “I found the real Jesus Christ, who is not the Michael the archangel of the Watchtower Society, but the eternal God the Son.”
    • From “Jehovah’s Witnesses Answered Verse by Verse”

Joan Cetnar (contemporary), Bill Cetnar’s wife and Christian Apologist:

  • “We discovered the joy of Christian freedom, the assurance of salvation now, and the personal indwelling of God’s spirit.”
    • From her testimony and ministry materials

Paul Blizard (contemporary), Former Jehovah’s Witness and Christian Speaker:

  • “When I was a Jehovah’s Witness, I didn’t have Jesus as my mediator… I turned to the real Jesus of the Bible, and He’s changed my life.”
    • From his testimony and public speaking

Michael J. Felker (contemporary), Former Jehovah’s Witness and Christian Blogger:

  • “I have come to appreciate the grace that God gives us through Jesus Christ, something that I never truly understood as one of Jehovah’s Witnesses.”
    • From his blog “Michael J. Felker”

Jason Wright (contemporary), Former Jehovah’s Witness and Christian Minister:

  • “I realized that the Watchtower had been putting words in God’s mouth… I found the true gospel of grace and the assurance of salvation in Christ alone.”
    • From his ministry and testimony

These individuals share a common theme of embracing a new understanding of Christianity centered on the person of Jesus Christ and the assurance of salvation through grace, apart from the teachings and organizational structure of the Jehovah’s Witnesses. Their quotes reflect a personal spiritual journey and a reevaluation of their previous beliefs.

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