Core doctrines, misunderstandings, and heresies of the Christian faith

Fundamental doctrines of the Christian faith

The core doctrines of the Christian faith provide the foundation for Christian belief and practice. As we explore foundational teachings about the nature of God, the person and work of Christ, the role of the Holy Spirit, human sin and salvation, and the authority of Scripture, we discover that these are not abstract theological concepts but rather essential truths that shape the everyday lives of believers.

These fundamental doctrines illuminate the path of Christian discipleship and ethics, guiding Christians in worship, decisions, and conduct. At the heart of Christian life and practice lies a core of essential doctrines that provide direction, meaning, and purpose for living out one’s faith. Select the article below.

Common misunderstandings of the faith

Christian doctrines form the bedrock of the faith, shaping the worldview and practices of devoted followers of Christ. Yet many Americans who identify as Christian hold beliefs that diverge from some core tenets of orthodox Christianity. This series of articles explores the disconnect between the established doctrines long held by evangelical Christians and the common misunderstandings about essentials of the faith prevalent among the general adult population in America today.

Whether it’s misconceptions about Christ’s divinity, confusion around the Trinity, or beliefs about salvation that contradict scripture, these articles reveal widespread confusion about the Bible and the relevance that it bears for our identity and our everyday lives. This confusion, present both inside and outside the church, cries out for clear and faithful teaching in Christian evangelism and discipleship. (See The State of Theology survey conducted in 2022)

Select from the following articles:

The Authority of the Bible

The Person and Work of Jesus Christ

Saved by Grace Through Faith in Christ

Sin and the Human Nature

Moral and Social Issues

One Way or Religious Pluralism

Resolved heresies of the Christian faith

Controversies and heterodox beliefs have marked Christianity since its earliest days, prompting intense theological debates as the early Church grappled to define orthodox beliefs about the nature of God, the person of Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, and the doctrine of salvation. This article chronicles key heresies in the first centuries of the Church that catalyzed major councils to clarify essential Christian doctrines and reinforce theological boundaries.

These heresies led to enduring creedal statements, like the Nicene Creed, that have anchored and safeguarded orthodox beliefs for over 1,600 years. The early Church emerged from the theological crises of these formative centuries with clarified Christology and soteriology doctrines that continue to shape Christian theology today. Select the article below.