Matthew 28: The Resurrection and Great Commission

Alleluia He is Risen, Let the whole earth be filled with His Glory.

Matthew 28 is the concluding chapter of the Gospel of Matthew, detailing the resurrection of Jesus Christ and His commissioning of the disciples. This chapter is crucial in understanding God’s redemptive plan, as it marks the victory over sin and death through Jesus’ resurrection and sets the stage for the global mission of the Church. Through the resurrection and the Great Commission, Matthew 28 reveals the fulfillment of God’s promises and the continuation of His work through His followers.

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Key Lessons from Matthew 28

– The Resurrection of Jesus:

The chapter opens with Mary Magdalene and the other Mary visiting the tomb, only to find it empty and hear the angel’s announcement that Jesus has risen (Matthew 28:1-7). The resurrection is the cornerstone of Christian faith, affirming Jesus’ victory over death and His divine nature. It fulfills Old Testament prophecies and Jesus’ own predictions about His resurrection.

– Jesus Appears to the Women:

Jesus appears to the women as they leave the tomb, instructing them to tell the disciples to meet Him in Galilee (Matthew 28:8-10). This encounter emphasizes the role of women as the first witnesses to the resurrection, highlighting their importance in the early Christian community.

– The Guards’ Report:

The guards report the events to the chief priests, who bribe them to spread a false story about the disciples stealing Jesus’ body (Matthew 28:11-15). This account underscores the opposition to the truth of the resurrection and the lengths to which some would go to suppress it.

– The Great Commission:

Jesus meets the disciples in Galilee and gives them the Great Commission, instructing them to make disciples of all nations, baptizing them and teaching them to obey His commands (Matthew 28:16-20). This commission expands the scope of God’s redemptive plan to include all nations, emphasizing the universal nature of the Gospel.

– The Promise of Jesus’ Presence:

Jesus assures His disciples of His continual presence, promising to be with them always, to the very end of the age (Matthew 28:20). This promise provides comfort and empowerment for the mission, affirming that Jesus’ authority and presence accompany His followers as they fulfill His commission.

Matthew 28 in God’s Plan for Humanity

Matthew 28 is central to God’s redemptive plan as it marks the triumph of Jesus over death and the commissioning of His followers to continue His work. The resurrection is the pivotal event that confirms Jesus’ identity as the Son of God and the Savior of the world, offering hope and eternal life to all who believe.

The Great Commission extends the reach of the Gospel to all nations, inviting people from every background to become part of God’s Kingdom. This chapter emphasizes the global mission of the Church and the responsibility of believers to share the message of salvation.

In summary, Matthew 28 presents the resurrection of Jesus and the Great Commission as key components of God’s redemptive plan. It highlights the victory over sin and death, the role of the disciples in spreading the Gospel, and the assurance of Jesus’ presence with His followers. This chapter invites believers to embrace the mission of making disciples and to live in the power and hope of the resurrection.

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