> What happens after we die? It’s a question humanity has pondered for millennia. For some, the answer has come through profound encounters known as Near-Death Experiences (NDEs)—moments […]
God’s Providence: A Source of Comfort for Christians
> In a world filled with hardship, suffering, and uncertainty, the doctrine of God’s providence offers profound comfort for Christians. It reminds us that God is not distant […]
How a Good and Powerful God Can Allow Natural Disasters
> The occurrence of natural disasters presents one of the most challenging questions for Christian theology: How can an all-powerful and perfectly good God allow earthquakes, tsunamis, and […]
Christians Now Have Every Spiritual Blessing in Christ
> In the opening chapter of Ephesians, the Apostle Paul reminds believers of the incredible spiritual blessings they have in Christ. These blessings are not just ordinary; they […]
How to Lift up America in Prayer
> In these challenging times, Christians are called to be light in the darkness, especially through prayer. Scripture repeatedly encourages us to lift up our leaders, pray for […]
Healing Divisions: A Call for Unity After the Election
As the dust settles on another contentious election, the rifts it has left in families, friendships, and communities are still fresh. For Christians, the pain is often felt […]
Does God Hear the Prayers of the Ungodly?
> One of the most common questions people ask, whether they are devout believers or those uncertain about their spiritual condition, is whether God hears the prayers of […]
How God Administers Justice to All, but Gives Mercy to Some
One of the most challenging questions Christians face is: How can a loving and just God condemn people for not believing in Jesus Christ if they have never […]
How to Describe God and What He is Like
> The nature and character of God are foundational to our understanding of who He is and how we relate to Him. Throughout Scripture and the teachings of […]
Hell: The Eternal Destination for Unforgiven Sinners
The Bible provides several descriptions of hell, portraying it as a place of eternal punishment and separation from God for unrepentant sinners. While some of the imagery is […]
Is Being ‘Spiritual’ a Substitute for Faith?
> In our increasingly pluralistic world, the term “spirituality” has gained popularity as a catch-all for various beliefs and practices. However, for Christians, it’s crucial to understand the […]
Does Regeneration Precede Faith? A Perspective from the Reformers
The relationship between regeneration and faith is one of the most critical and debated issues in Christian theology. This question asks whether a person must be regenerated (born […]