Exploring the beliefs of Liberalism

> Liberalism, sometimes called progressive Christianity, is a movement associated with Christianity that seeks to reconcile religious beliefs with modern scientific understanding and moral sensibilities. Liberal Christians may hold a range of beliefs regarding the supernatural aspects of the Bible, including the incarnation and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Conservative Christian leaders often view liberalism as a separate religion due to its unbelief in the traditional Christian faith.

This article will explore the beliefs and practices of liberal Christians who deny these supernatural elements, compare their views with those of more conservative or traditional Bible-believing Christians, and discuss how evangelical Christians might engage in meaningful dialogue with liberal believers. Additionally, we will examine what aspects of Bible-believing Christianity may be appealing or challenging to liberals.

Beliefs and Practices of Liberal “Christians”

Liberal Christians who deny the supernatural aspects of the Bible tend to interpret the text in a metaphorical or allegorical manner rather than literally. They may view stories such as the Virgin Birth, miracles, and the physical resurrection of Jesus as mythological or symbolic narratives that convey moral or spiritual truths rather than historical facts.

Incarnation and Resurrection: Liberal Christians might understand the concept of the incarnation as an expression of the idea that the divine can be manifest in human life and actions, rather than as a literal event where God became human in the person of Jesus. Similarly, the resurrection may be seen as a metaphor for the enduring power of Jesus’ teachings and the transformational impact he had on his followers, rather than as a physical rising from the dead.

Practices: The practices of liberal Christians often emphasize social justice, inclusivity, and the application of Christian ethics to contemporary issues. They may prioritize acts of service, community building, and advocacy for marginalized groups. Worship might focus on community and personal spiritual growth rather than on traditional doctrines or creeds.

Comparison with Bible-Believing Christians

Bible-believing Christians, particularly those from evangelical or conservative traditions, typically affirm the supernatural elements of the Bible as central to their faith. They believe in the literal truth of the Bible, including the virgin birth of Jesus, his miracles, death, and physical resurrection.

Theological Differences: These Christians view the resurrection of Jesus as a foundational event that confirms his divinity, atonement for sin, and the hope of eternal life for believers. The incarnation is seen as a unique and pivotal event in human history where God took on human flesh.

Practices: Bible-believing Christians may place a strong emphasis on evangelism, personal conversion, adherence to biblical authority, and the importance of living in accordance with scriptural teachings. Their worship services often include reading of scripture, preaching, and sacraments such as communion and baptism, which are seen as ordinances commanded by Christ.

Dialogue with Liberal “Christians”

Engaging in meaningful dialogue with liberal Christians requires a respectful understanding of their perspectives and an openness to discussing differences without condemnation. Evangelical Christians might approach such dialogue with the following considerations:

  • Common Ground: Focus on shared values such as love, compassion, and the pursuit of justice, which can serve as a starting point for conversation.
  • Listening: Practice active listening to understand the reasons behind liberal Christians’ beliefs and acknowledge the sincerity of their faith.
  • Historical and Cultural Context: Discuss how historical and cultural contexts have influenced the interpretation of biblical texts.
  • Personal Testimonies: Share personal experiences and testimonies of faith that highlight the transformative power of belief in the supernatural aspects of Christianity.

Appealing and Challenging Aspects of Bible-Believing Christianity to Liberals

– Appealing Aspects:

  • Community and Belonging: The strong sense of community and support found in many evangelical churches may be appealing to liberals.
  • Moral Clarity: The clear moral and ethical guidelines provided by a literal interpretation of the Bible can offer a sense of certainty and direction.

– Challenging Aspects:

  • Interpretation of Scripture: Liberals may find the literal interpretation of the Bible, particularly regarding supernatural events, to be at odds with scientific understanding and historical-critical methods of biblical interpretation.
  • Social Issues: Positions on social issues such as LGBTQ+ rights, women’s roles, and reproductive rights may differ significantly, posing challenges for liberals in more conservative Christian settings.


In conclusion, liberal Christians who deny the supernatural aspects of the Bible approach their faith with an emphasis on metaphorical interpretation, social justice, and inclusivity. Their beliefs and practices contrast with those of Bible-believing Christians, who affirm the literal truth of scripture and its supernatural events. Dialogue between evangelical and liberal Christians can be fostered through mutual respect, shared values, and open communication. While there are appealing aspects of Bible-believing Christianity to liberals, there are also significant challenges that must be navigated with sensitivity and understanding.

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