Directory of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) by Group

This FAQs Directory organizes all website FAQs by category. The User Guide explains how to use the FAQs for personal growth and understanding others at different stages of spiritual formation. To find articles on a specific topic (e.g., faith), simply enter the keyword or phrase into the search field.
The table below helps you easily access FAQs for specific groups. You can view a page with article snippets for each category or go directly to the website section listing all FAQ posts for that category.
Below the table, use the shortcut menu or scroll to view all FAQ groups and questions. Click a group title to jump to its section and select an article.
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FAQ Search Table by Group Category
Short-cut menu to group categories:
- Seeker questions
- New believer questions
- Growing Christian questions
- Mature Christian questions
- Children and youth questions
- Objectors questions
- Secular humanist questions
- Agnostic and atheist questions
- Morman questions
- Jehovah’s Witnesses questions
- Religious liberals questions
- Roman Catholics questions
- Jewish questions
- Muslim questions
- Hindu questions
- Non-Christian scientist questions
- Non-Christian philosopher questions
Click a Group Category Heading below to access its tab section with article links.
Seeker questions
- What is Christianity About?
- Who is Jesus Christ?
- What is sin, and why does it matter?
- What is salvation, and how can I be saved?
- Why did Jesus have to die?
- What is the significance of the resurrection?
- What is the Holy Spirit’s role in Christianity?
- How should I read and interpret the Bible?
- What is the church’s role in a Christian life?
- How does Christianity effect daily life and ethics?
- What does it mean to have faith in God?
- How can I grow spiritually as a Christian?
New believer questions
- How can I be sure of my salvation?
- How do I develop a consistent prayer life?
- Why is reading the Bible important, and how do I understand it?
- How do I resist temptation and sin?
- What is God’s will for my life?
- How do I handle doubts about my faith?
- How should I respond to non-Christian family and friends?
- What does it mean to trust God?
- How can I find the right church community?
- What is the role of the Holy Spirit in my life?
- How do I deal with suffering and trials as a Christian?
- What about all the denominations and different beliefs among Christians?
Growing Christian questions
- How can I trust God when I’m facing severe trials and suffering?
- How do I resist temptation and live a holy life in a world full of sin?
- Why does God seem silent when I pray?
- How can I reconcile the loving nature of God with the existence of hell?
- How do I know God’s will for my life?
- Can I lose my salvation if I continue to struggle with sin?
- How should Christians engage with culture without compromising their faith?
- Is it wrong to doubt my faith?
- How can I forgive someone who has deeply hurt me?
- How do I deal with persistent feelings of unworthiness and guilt?
- How can I share my faith without seeming pushy or intolerant?
- What does it mean to love God with all my heart, soul, and mind?
Mature Christian questions
- How can I continue to grow in my faith after many years as a Christian?
- How do I discern God’s will for my life in this season?
- How can I maintain my zeal for God over the years?
- How should I approach theological disagreements within the church?
- What is the role of suffering in the Christian life?
- How can I effectively share my faith with others, especially in a changing culture?
- How do I navigate doubts about my faith?
- What does it mean to leave a spiritual legacy?
- How should Christians engage in politics?
- How do I deal with unresolved prayer?
- What does it mean to be a Christian in the workplace?
- How can we keep our marriage and family strong in faith?
Children & youth questions
- What are questions a child might ask a Christian parent?
- What are questions a middle-school child might ask a Christian parent?
- What are questions an 11th grade child might ask a Christian parent?
Objectors questions
- There is no scientific proof of God’s existence.
- Christianity is just one of many religions. How can it claim to be the only true faith?
- The Bible is full of contradictions and errors.
- How can a loving God allow so much evil and suffering.
- Christianity is homophobic and oppresses LGBTQ+ people.
- Religion causes war and violence.
- Faith is irrational and blind.
- If God is all-powerful, why does He not just show Himself?
- Christianity is repressive and against freedom.
- The church is full of hypocrites and judgmental people.
- Science has disproven Christianity
- I can be moral without being religious.
Secular humanist questions
- How does Christian faith concretely impact your daily life?
- In what ways does prayer influence your decision-making process?
- How do you reconcile the existence of suffering with a belief in a loving God?
- What is the role of the Christian community in your life?
- How do you interpret the Bible in a modern context?
- What evidence can you provide for the resurrection of Jesus?
- How can you find meaning in life through Christianity?
- How does Christianity address the issues of social justice and inequality?
- Can faith be rational, or is it purely and emotional experience?
- How do you view other religions and their followers?
- What role do doubt and questioning play in your faith?
- How does Christianity deal with the issues of modern science and technology?
Agnostic and atheist questions
- Why does God allow suffering in the world?
- How can you believe in a God that cannot be seen or measured?
- Isn’t religion just a way to control people?
- How do you reconcile the idea of a loving God with the violence in the Old Testament?
- If God is omnipotent, can He create a rock so heavy the He cannot lift it?
- Why would a loving God send people to Hell?
- Isn’t the Bible just a collection of myths and legends?
- How do you account for the contradictions in the Bible?
- Can you be moral without believing in God?
- How do you explain the diversity of religions and deities throughout history?
- Why should the Christian faith be considered more valid than other religions?
- How does Christianity reconcile with scientific evidence for evolution and an old earth?
Morman Questions:
- How do you interpret the concept of the Trinity?
- What is your understanding of salvation by grace versus works?
- How do you view the authority of the Bible?
- What is your belief about prophets and continuing revelation?
- How do you understand the concept of original sin and the fall of Adam and Eve?
- What are your views on baptism, and who should be baptized?
- How do you interpret the end times and the Second Coming of Christ?
- What is the role of your church organization and leadership?
- How do you define “Christian”? Do you consider Mormons to be Christians?
- What is your perspective of the afterlife and the concept of heaven and hell?
- How do you approach prayer and your personal relationship with God?
- Do you believe in the necessity of a “restoration” of the original church, as Mormons do?
Jehovah’s Witnesses
- How do you understand the nature of God and the identity of Jesus Christ?
- What is your view on the immortality of the soul and the condition of the dead?
- How do you interpret the use of God’s name, Jehovah, in the Bible?
- What is your belief regarding the 144,000 mentioned in the book of Revelation?
- How do you view the significance of blood and the practice of blood transfusion?
- What is you understanding of the kingdom of God and how it should be established?
- How do you view the celebration of holidays and birthdays?
- What is your perspective on military service and involvement in political matters?
- How do you interpret the prophecies of Daniel and Revelation, particularly regarding the last days?
- What is your stance on the use of images and crosses in worship?
- How do you approach evangelism and the work of spreading the gospel?
- Do you believe that the church is part of Christendom, and how do you view Christendom as a whole?
Religious Liberals
- How can you believe in miracles in a modern, scientific age?
- Isn’t the bodily resurrection of Jesus scientifically impossible?
- How can you take the Bible literally?
- Why do you believe in the exclusivity of Christianity?
- How do you reconcile a loving God with the existence of hell?
- Do you not accept evolution and an old earth?
- How can you oppose women’s reproductive rights?
- Why are many evangelicals against same-sex marriage?
- How do you view other religions and their followers?
- Isn’t the Christian focus on conversion culturally insensitive?
- How can you deny climate change and not care for the environment?
- Why do you support capital punishment when Jesus taught non-violence?
Roman Catholics
- How do you view the authority of the Pope and the Catholic Church?
- Why do you not accept the sacraments as necessary for salvation?
- How do you interpret the Eucharist, and why do you reject transubstantiation?
- What is your stance on the veneration of Mary and the saints?
- Why do you not recognize the authority of Church tradition alongside Scripture?
- How do you understand justification and sanctification differently from Catholics?
- What is your perspective on purgatory and prayers for the dead?
- How do you justify the absence of apostolic succession in your church leadership?
- Why do you allow for divorce and remarriage when the Catholic Church does not?
- How do you reconcile the lack of a liturgical church calendar and traditional liturgy in worship?
- What is your view on the role of works in the Christian life if not for salvation?
- Why do evangelical churches often lack the visual beauty and symbolism found in Catholic churches?
- Why do Christians believe Jesus is the Messiah?
- How can Jesus be both God and man?
- What is the Christian view of the Law (Torah)?
- How do Christians interpret prophecies of a literal kingdom on Earth?
- Why do Christians emphasize faith over works?
- How do Christians justify the concept of the Trinity with monotheism?
- What is the Christian perspective on the afterlife and resurrection?
- How do Christians view the Jewish people and modern Israel?
- Why do Christians believe in the Virgin Birth?
- How do Christians reconcile the idea of a suffering Servant?
- What is the role of prayer in Christianity?
- How do Christians view the end times and the coming of the Messiah?
- How can God be both one and three (Trinity)?
- How can Jesus be fully God and fully man?
- Why do Christians not follow all the laws of the Old Testament?
- How do Christians justify the concept of original sin?
- Why do Christians believe in salvation through faith alone?
- How does Christianity view the prophets of Islam, such as Muhammad?
- What is the Christian understanding of Heaven and Hell compared to Islam?
- How do Christians view the Quran and the Islamic tradition?
- Why do Christians consume pork and alcohol, which are prohibited in Islam?
- How do Christians reconcile the concept of free will with God’s omniscience?
- What role do Mary and the saints play in Christianity compared to Islam’s view of significant religious figures?
- How do Christians interpret the end times and the second coming of Jesus differently from Muslims?
- How do Christians view the concept of God compared to the Hindu understanding of Brahman?
- What is the Christian view on salvation and how does it differ from the Hindu belief in moksha?
- How does a Christian understand the concept of sin in comparison to Hindu ideas of karma?
- How do Christians justify the exclusivity of their faith in light of the diverse paths offered in Hinduism?
- What is the significance of Jesus in Christianity, and how does it compare to Hindu avatars like Krishna?
- Can Christians accept the Hindu practice of yoga, and if not, why?
- How does the Christian end-times view of history compared with the Hindu concept of cyclical time and cosmic epochs (yugas)?
- What is the Christian position on idol worship in relation to Hindu practices?
- How do Christians reconcile the existence of suffering with an all-powerful, loving God, compared to the Hindu understanding of suffering?
- How do Christians view the multitude of Hindu gods and goddesses?
- How do Christians understand the concept of divine revelation in comparison to the Hindu scriptures?
- What is the Christian attitude toward death and the afterlife compared to Hindu beliefs in reincarnation?
Non-Christian Scientists
- How does Christianity reconcile the Genesis creation account with the scientific consensus on evolution and the age of the earth?
- How do Christians explain natural disasters in the context of a benevolent God?
- Can Christians explain the Big Bang theory, and how does it relate to the concept of God as Creator?
- How do Christians account for the problem of suffering and disease from a scientific and theological standpoint?
- What is the Christian view on the use of technology and medicine, given the belief in God’s sovereignty over life and health?
- How does Christianity approach the topic of mental health and its treatments in light of scientific understanding?
- How do Christians interpret the miracles of Jesus in a scientific age?
- Can Christian doctrine be harmonized with the scientific understanding of human consciousness and free will?
- How do Christians view the search for extraterrestrial life in the context of God’s creation?
- What is the Christian perspective on environmental stewardship in light of scientific evidence for climate change and ecological degradation?
- How does Christianity view the ethical implications of genetic engineering and cloning?
- How do Christians reconcile the existence of prehistoric humans and hominids with the biblical account of Adam and Eve?
Non-Christian Philosophers
- How does Christianity reconcile the existence of evil with an omnipotent, omnibenevolent God?
- Can faith in Christian revelation be rational in a post-Enlightenment age?
- How does Christianity view the relationship between faith and reason?
- What is the Christian understanding of human nature and its relationship to sin?
- How does Christianity deal with the diversity of religions and the claim to possess exclusive truth?
- What is the role of the church in a Christian’s life, according to Christian philosophy?
- How does Christianity address the problem of historical and biblical criticism?
- What is the significance of Jesus’ resurrection in Christian philosophy?
- How does Christianity define the good life and moral virtue?
- In what way does Christianity approach the concept of personal identity and the soul?
- How does Christianity confront the challenge of moral relativism?
- What place does suffering have in the Christian worldview?