Getting Started: How to Approach Bible Study

Bible Study

> Bible study is a foundational practice for many believers worldwide, offering deep insights into life’s most profound questions and guiding personal and spiritual growth. However, approaching Bible study can seem daunting due to the Bible’s historical depth, cultural diversity, and literary complexity.

This article aims to demystify the process, offering a structured approach to engaging with the Bible meaningfully.

The Importance of Bible Study

Studying the Bible is crucial for understanding the nature of God, the history of salvation, and the moral and spiritual guidance it offers. It’s a means to connect with the divine, understand life’s purpose, and find direction in times of uncertainty. Bible study enriches personal faith, fosters a deeper understanding of spiritual principles, and equips individuals to face life’s challenges with wisdom and strength.

An Overview of the Bible’s Redemptive Story

The Bible narrates a grand redemptive story, stretching from Creation to the New Creation, and centers on God’s plan to redeem humanity through Jesus Christ. This narrative showcases God’s love, justice, and sovereignty across different epochs of human history. Despite the diversity of its writers—ranging from kings to fishermen—the Bible maintains a remarkable continuity in its message: the story of God’s unending love and redemption for humanity.

What Scripture Says About Itself

Scripture attests to its own inspiration, authority, inerrancy, and infallibility. Verses like 2 Timothy 3:16-17 and 2 Peter 1:20-21 affirm the Bible’s divine inspiration and its role in teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness.

Jesus’ View of Scripture

Scripture is Authoritative: Jesus often prefaced His teachings with phrases like “It is written,” underscoring His view of Scripture as an authoritative source of truth and guidance (Matthew 4:4,7,10). This demonstrates His respect for the Scriptures as the authoritative Word of God, not just historical or religious documents.

Scripture is Unbreakable: In John 10:35, Jesus states, “Scripture cannot be broken,” affirming the inviolability and permanence of God’s Word. This implies that the Scriptures are utterly reliable and trustworthy.

Scripture is About Him: Jesus taught that the Scriptures bear witness about Him (Luke 24:27,44; John 5:39). He saw the Old Testament as a cohesive narrative that pointed to His coming, life, death, and resurrection, highlighting the unity and prophetic nature of the Bible.

Scripture is Inspired by God: Though Jesus never used the term “inspired” in a modern theological sense, His treatment of Scripture—as having authority, being unbreakable, and prophetic—aligns with what later New Testament writers explicitly state about the divine inspiration of the Scriptures (2 Timothy 3:16-17; 2 Peter 1:20-21).

Developing a Consistent Study Plan

– Set Aside a Regular Time and Place for Studying the Bible

Setting aside a particular time and place each day for Bible study is a vital spiritual discipline that significantly enhances our relationship with God and prepares us for the challenges of daily life. This dedicated time and space create a sanctuary of sorts, a haven where distractions are minimized, and focus is placed on God’s Word. It’s in these moments of quiet and reflection that we can hear God’s voice more clearly, allowing His teachings to deeply penetrate our hearts and minds.

This consistent practice also equips us with spiritual wisdom and strength. As we start our day grounded in Scripture, we find ourselves better prepared to face whatever comes our way, guided by the principles and truths we’ve absorbed. Moreover, this discipline cultivates a rhythm of life centered around God, reinforcing our dependence on Him and enhancing our resilience and faith.

– The Role of Prayer

Prayer is fundamental in Bible study. It prepares the heart to receive wisdom and understanding from God. Before studying, pray for insight, guidance, and the ability to apply the Bible’s teachings to your life.

– Personal Application

Applying the Bible’s teachings to one’s life is the essence of Bible study. It’s not just about acquiring knowledge but about transforming lives. Reflect on how the passages apply to your life and what changes God might be calling you to make. Here are a few examples of the type of questions we could ask ourselves after reading a passage of Scripture:

  • What does this passage reveal about God’s character? Every scripture provides insight into who God is—His attributes, His desires, His plans, and how He interacts with humanity.
  • How does this passage apply to my life today? The Bible, though ancient, speaks into the contemporary human experience with surprising relevance.
  • What is this passage calling me to believe or to do? Scripture often challenges our beliefs and calls us to act in faith and obedience. 

Choosing a Bible Version

There are numerous Bible versions, each with its strengths. Some popular versions include:

  • New International Version (NIV): Known for its balance between readability and accuracy.
  • English Standard Version (ESV): Appreciated for its literal translation and poetic language.
  • New Living Translation (NLT): Offers a dynamic and easy-to-understand text.

Bible Study Aids

– Choose a Study Bible

Study Bibles provide annotations, explanations, and thematic studies to aid understanding. They are invaluable for beginners and seasoned scholars alike. Examples of Study Bibles include:

  • ESV Study Bible – Published by Crossway, the ESV Study Bible offers a wealth of resources, including over 20,000 notes focused on understanding the Bible text and providing theological insights. It also features maps, charts, and articles by evangelical scholars, making it a comprehensive tool for study.
  • NIV Study Bible – This study Bible has been a favorite among many readers since its first release in 1985. It offers a balance of scholarship and readability, with notes that help explain the text and its background. The NIV Study Bible includes introductions to each book, outlining themes, authorship, and historical context.
  • The CSB Study Bible – The Christian Standard Bible (CSB) Study Bible combines readability and reliability in its translation. It provides extensive study notes, essays on theological topics, word studies, and full-color maps and reconstructions. It’s designed to help readers understand the text in its original cultural context and apply its teachings today.

– Use a Commentary with Bible Study

Biblical commentaries offer detailed explanations of scripture, background information, and theological insights. They are useful for deeper study. Examples of popular Bible commentaries include:

  • The New Bible Commentary – Edited by D.A. Carson, R.T. France, J.A. Motyer, and G.J. Wenham, this one-volume commentary has been a reliable guide for understanding the Scriptures for over 50 years. It offers a concise, yet thorough, overview of every book of the Bible and is known for its accessibility to readers of all levels.
  • The Bible Knowledge Commentary – Written by Dallas Seminary faculty and edited by John F. Walvoord and Roy B. Zuck, this two-volume set (Old Testament and New Testament) provides clear, concise commentary that is evangelical and dispensational in perspective. It’s particularly appreciated for its straightforward explanations and practical application.
  • The Expositor’s Bible Commentary – A comprehensive and scholarly series that covers the entire Bible, this commentary is edited by Tremper Longman III and David E. Garland. It offers detailed exegesis and interpretation from a team of respected evangelical scholars, making it accessible yet thorough, suitable for pastors and laypeople alike.

– Use a Bible Atlas, Bible Dictionary, and Concordance

These tools help contextualize biblical events, clarify terms, and find passages, enhancing comprehension and study efficiency. A highly regarded example of each of these resources include:

  • Bible Atlas: The Zondervan Atlas of the Bible by Carl G. Rasmussen – This comprehensive atlas is highly regarded for its detailed maps and rich illustrations that bring the biblical world to life. It covers geographical, historical, and archaeological aspects of the Bible, making it easier to understand the locations and movements described in the Scriptures. The atlas also includes up-to-date research and findings, providing readers with reliable and insightful geographical context.
  • Bible Dictionary: The New Bible Dictionary – Edited by I. Howard Marshall, A.R. Millard, J.I. Packer, and D.J. Wiseman, this dictionary is a classic and widely respected resource. It offers thousands of entries on biblical terms, concepts, people, places, and events, providing clear and concise explanations. It an excellent tool for anyone looking to gain a deeper understanding of biblical terminology and theology.
  • Concordance: Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible by James Strong – Strong’s Concordance is a staple resource for serious Bible study. It lists every occurrence of nearly every word in the King James Version of the Bible, allowing readers to easily find verses and conduct thorough word studies. Strong’s Concordance is celebrated for its comprehensive coverage and has been a valuable tool for pastors, scholars, and laypeople for generations.

Literary Uses and Interpretation Methods

The Bible encompasses various literary genres, including narrative, poetry, prophecy, and epistle. Understanding these genres helps interpret passages correctly. Reliable interpretation methods include historical-cultural analysis, examining literary context, and comparing scripture with scripture.


Bible study is a journey of discovery, transformation, and deepened faith. It requires commitment, the right tools, and a heart open to divine guidance. By approaching Bible study with a structured plan and a prayerful heart, believers can unlock the treasures within its pages.

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