How do I know God’s will for my life?

Discerning God’s Will: Guidance for the Seeker

> One of the most profound questions a person of faith can ask is, “How do I know God’s will for my life?” Understanding God’s will is not about uncovering a cosmic blueprint for every decision but is a journey of growing closer to God, aligning oneself with His purposes, and making choices that reflect His character and commandments. This article explores the principles of seeking God’s will, the role of Scripture, prayer, and wise counsel, and offers insights from Dallas Willard on developing a relationship with God that aids in discerning His will.

The Principles of Seeking God’s Will:

Seeking God’s will is an active process that involves both commitment and trust. It starts with a desire to live a life that is pleasing to God and aligned with His greater purposes. The principles of seeking God’s will are grounded in a posture of humility, a readiness to listen, and a willingness to obey.

The Role of Scripture:

Scripture is a foundational tool for understanding God’s will. It reveals God’s nature, His historical dealings with humanity, and His overarching plan for creation. Romans 12:1-2, for example, calls believers to be transformed by the renewing of their minds so that they may discern what is the will of God—what is good, acceptable, and perfect. The Bible provides principles and precepts that guide ethical decisions, relational interactions, and personal conduct.

Prayer as a Pathway:

Prayer is not merely a monologue but a dialogue with the divine. It is through prayer that believers can cultivate a conversational relationship with God, as Dallas Willard suggests in “Hearing God.” Prayer is the means by which we express our dependence on God, seek His guidance, and open ourselves up to His leading. James 1:5 encourages believers to ask God for wisdom, promising that it will be given generously to all without reproach.

The Importance of Wise Counsel:

Proverbs 3:5-6 highlights the importance of not leaning on one’s own understanding but in all ways acknowledging God, who will make straight your paths. Part of this acknowledgment involves seeking the wisdom of others. God often speaks through mature believers—pastors, mentors, friends—who can offer biblical advice and life experience. The community of faith is a resource for discernment, providing confirmation or caution as we seek to understand God’s will.

Dallas Willard’s Advice on Developing a Conversational Relationship with God:

In his book “Hearing God,” Dallas Willard emphasizes the importance of knowing God more deeply to discern His voice and will. This involves spending time in His presence, studying His Word, and allowing His Spirit to shape your thoughts and attitudes. Willard suggests that as we grow in our understanding of God’s character and word, we become more attuned to His guidance in our everyday lives.


Discerning God’s will is a multifaceted process that involves engaging with Scripture, committing to prayer, seeking wise counsel, and developing a deep, conversational relationship with God. It requires patience, trust, and a willingness to act on the guidance we receive. While the journey is personal and unique to each individual, the principles outlined here provide a framework for any believer seeking to know and do the will of God in their life. The pursuit of God’s will is ultimately about becoming more like Christ and participating in His redemptive work in the world. It is a journey worth undertaking, filled with the promise of growth, purpose, and joy in the adventure of faith.

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