Making Wise Decisions When God Seems Silent

Making Wise Decisions

> When it comes to the major decisions in life, we often seek God’s guidance and direction. However, there are times when God’s will is not immediately clear, and we are left to navigate the gray areas between sin and righteousness. In these moments, it is crucial to rely on biblical principles and seek wisdom from trusted sources.

Seeking God’s Wisdom to Make Wise Decisions

As John Piper eloquently states, “God’s will is not always something to be discovered but something to be discerned through wisdom.” This wisdom can be found in the pages of Scripture and in the counsel of godly mentors and teachers.

One such principle is found in Proverbs 3:5-6, which instructs us to “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.” This passage reminds us to lean on God’s wisdom rather than our own limited perspective when making decisions.

Aligning our Desires with God’s Word

John MacArthur, in his book “Found: God’s Will,” emphasizes the importance of aligning our desires with God’s Word. He writes,

“The key to knowing God’s will is to saturate your heart and mind with Scripture, and then let your desires be shaped by the truth of His Word.”

John MacArthur

When faced with decisions such as choosing a spouse, relocating, or changing jobs, it is important to consider how these choices may impact our spiritual growth and that of our loved ones. R.C. Sproul, in his book “Pleasing God,” reminds us that “Our chief end is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever.” With this in mind, we should seek to make decisions that honor God and further His Kingdom.

As we navigate through life’s pivotal moments, it becomes essential to assess our priorities in light of our faith. By aligning our choices with godly principles, we are not only advancing our personal journey but also setting an example for those around us. Each decision we make has the potential to be a testimony of our commitment to live in accordance with God’s will.

Choosing for Ourselves when God Remains Silent

However, there are times when God may remain silent, and we are left to choose according to our desires, as long as those desires do not conflict with Scripture. As Piper notes, “God is not a bully who beats us down with threats and intimidation. He has made us with wills and wants, and He often calls us to exercise them.”

In these instances, it is wise to seek counsel from trusted mentors, pray for discernment, and ultimately choose the path that aligns with our God-given desires and brings peace to our hearts. As Philippians 4:7 promises, “And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”

In Summary

While God’s will is not always immediately clear, we can find guidance in His Word, the counsel of godly men and women, and the desires He has placed within our hearts. By remaining faithful and seeking wisdom, we can navigate even the most challenging decisions with confidence, knowing that God is with us every step of the way.

For Further Study

Here are three books I would recommend for further study on making wise decisions when God seems silent:

  1. “Decision Making and the Will of God” by Garry Friesen
    This classic book provides a biblical framework for decision-making, helping readers understand the role of God’s will, wisdom, and the freedom we have in Christ. Friesen offers practical guidance for discerning God’s will in various situations. (Read a review)
  2. “Just Do Something: A Liberating Approach to Finding God’s Will” by Kevin DeYoung
    DeYoung challenges the idea that God has a specific plan for every decision we make. Instead, he encourages readers to understand the biblical principles for decision-making and then confidently move forward in light of those principles, trusting that God will guide and redirect as needed. (Read a brief summary)
  3. “Choosing God’s Best: Wisdom for Lifelong Romance” by Dr. Don Raunikar
    While this book focuses specifically on decisions related to dating and marriage, it offers valuable insights on seeking God’s guidance and wisdom in important life choices. Raunikar provides a practical framework for discerning God’s will and making decisions that honor Him. (Visit Amazon’s description)

These books offer different perspectives and approaches, but all emphasize the importance of grounding our decision-making process in biblical principles, seeking wise counsel, and trusting God’s guidance even when His specific will is not immediately clear.

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