Quotes from former Mormans about their Christian faith

Former members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church), commonly known as Mormons, who transition to a different expression of faith often speak of significant theological and personal shifts in their understanding of Christianity. Here are quotes from seven individuals who have publicly discussed their transition from Mormonism to another Christian faith tradition:

Lynn K. Wilder, Former BYU Professor and Author:

  • “I traded the ‘doing’ gospel of Mormonism for the ‘done’ gospel of Jesus.”
    • From “Unveiling Grace: The Story of How We Found Our Way out of the Mormon Church”

Micah Wilder, Lynn Wilder’s son and Christian Minister:

  • “I was trying to work my way to heaven by being a good Mormon… But I realized that the Bible taught something very different. It taught that we are saved by grace through faith in Jesus Christ.”
    • From his testimony

Michael R. Ash, Author and Former Mormon Apologist:

  • While Ash remains a member of the LDS Church, he has written about the complexities of faith and the importance of embracing a Christ-centered approach:
  • “The only thing that really matters is our relationship with Christ and how we incorporate his teachings and Atonement into our lives.”
    • From “Shaken Faith Syndrome”

Shawn McCraney, Pastor and Author:

  • “I was born again in 1997, which means I came to know the Lord Jesus Christ by the Spirit. I was a very active Latter-day Saint at the time.”
    • From his ministry’s website and teachings

Adam’s Road Ministry, Music Ministry Group:

  • Composed of several former Mormons, the members of Adam’s Road Ministry share their Christian faith through music and testimony:
  • “We are sinners saved by the grace of Jesus Christ, and we have a passion to share the Gospel and our testimonies with the world.”
    • From the Adam’s Road Ministry mission statement

Latayne C. Scott, Author:

  • “I found out that I needed a Savior, not a religion. Jesus was my Savior, not the Mormon Church.”
    • From her book “The Mormon Mirage”

Thomas W. Murphy, Anthropologist:

  • While Murphy has expressed significant criticism of the LDS Church and its historical claims, his current religious beliefs are not clearly documented. He has emphasized the importance of spiritual and ethical integrity over institutional loyalty:
  • “I think it’s more important to tell the truth and to be honest and to have integrity.”
    • From an interview discussing his research on Mormonism

These quotes reflect the personal convictions and journeys of individuals who have left Mormonism and embraced a different Christian faith. Their stories often involve a reevaluation of their beliefs about Jesus Christ, grace, and salvation. Please note that the beliefs and affiliations of individuals after leaving the LDS Church can vary widely, and some may not identify with traditional Christian denominations.

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