Quotes from notable Christian philosophers about their faith

Here are quotes from several notable Christian philosophers regarding their Christian faith:

Alvin Plantinga (b. 1932), Philosopher:

  • “It is entirely right, rational, reasonable, and proper to believe in God without any evidence or argument at all.”
    • From “Warranted Christian Belief”

William Lane Craig (b. 1949), Philosopher and Theologian:

  • “The personal relationship which the Christian has with God through Christ gives a deep sense of peace, purpose, and meaning to life.”
    • From “Reasonable Faith”

Elizabeth Anscombe (1919–2001), Analytic Philosopher:

  • “The Christian religion is the one religion that most clearly asserts the existence of a Creator and is the one religion that, having asserted a Creator, also asserts that the Creator is still concerned with His creation.”
    • From “Metaphysics and the Philosophy of Mind”

Peter van Inwagen (b. 1942), Philosopher:

  • “The life of a Christian is a constant struggle to increase one’s faith, to purify one’s hope, to perfect one’s love.”
    • From “The Problem of Evil”

Richard Swinburne (b. 1934), Philosopher:

  • “It seems to me that God has given us evidence sufficient to convince any open-minded inquirer that he exists; but not so coercive as to compel the unwilling.”
    • From “Is There a God?”

Nicholas Wolterstorff (b. 1932), Philosopher:

  • “As a Christian, I believe that the world is God’s good creation, that God is redeeming it, and that our task is to contribute to that redemption.”
    • From “Until Justice and Peace Embrace”

Charles Taylor (b. 1931), Philosopher:

  • “The power of Christianity is shown not in its ability to provide clear-cut answers, but in its ability to make us live the questions.”
    • Paraphrased from various works, as Taylor often discusses the transformative power of Christianity in how we engage with life’s profound questions.

These philosophers have contributed significantly to the dialogue between faith and reason, and their quotes reflect their belief in the compatibility of Christian faith with rigorous philosophical inquiry.

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