Religion causes war and violence.

Disentangling Christianity from the Narrative of Religious Violence

> The objection that religion is a catalyst for wars and violence is a common critique often leveled against faith traditions, including Christianity. Critics argue that religious beliefs have historically been a source of conflict, leading to countless wars and acts of violence. However, many Christians contend that while individuals and groups have indeed misused religion for violent purposes, the fundamental message of Christianity is one of peace, love, and reconciliation.

The Misuse of Religion:

It is undeniable that religion has been implicated in various conflicts throughout history. From the Crusades to modern-day acts of terrorism, certain individuals and groups have invoked religion to justify violence. However, it is crucial to distinguish between the teachings of a faith and the actions of its adherents. The misuse of religious rhetoric for political, economic, or social gain does not reflect the core principles of the faith itself.

Christianity’s Core Message of Peace:

At the heart of Christian doctrine is the message of peace. The teachings of Jesus Christ consistently emphasize love for one’s neighbor, forgiveness, and the pursuit of peace. The Beatitudes, a collection of teachings by Jesus found in the Gospel of Matthew, includes the verse, “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God” (Matthew 5:9). This statement underscores the value Christianity places on peace and the active role believers are called to take in fostering it.

The Influence of N.T. Wright:

N.T. Wright, a renowned theologian and Christian leader, frequently addresses the transformative and peaceful essence of Christianity. He argues that the faith is not about escaping the world to attain personal salvation but about bringing heaven to earth through acts of love, justice, and peacemaking. Wright’s scholarship and public speaking often emphasize the role of Christians as agents of reconciliation in a broken world.

“Simply Christian” and the Vision for Peace:

In his book “Simply Christian,” N.T. Wright presents a compelling case for the relevance and truth of Christianity in today’s world. He explores the faith’s foundational beliefs and how they intersect with the deepest longings of human society, including the longing for peace. Wright articulates a vision of Christianity that is far removed from the caricature of a religion that incites division and violence.


The narrative that religion, and specifically Christianity, is inherently violent is a simplification that overlooks the faith’s profound commitment to peace. While acknowledging the tragic instances where Christianity has been associated with conflict, it is essential to return to the teachings of Jesus and the overarching narrative of Scripture, which calls for peacemaking, reconciliation, and love. Through the influential work of thinkers like N.T. Wright and the foundational principles found in texts like “Simply Christian,” Christians are reminded of their calling to be ambassadors of peace in a world that often misunderstands the true nature of their faith.

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