What is the Christian view of the Law (Torah)?

The Christian Perspective on the Torah: From Law to Grace

> The Torah, the first five books of the Hebrew Bible, is a foundational text for both Judaism and Christianity. However, the Christian view of the Torah is distinct from the Jewish perspective. For Christians, the Torah is not just a body of laws but a precursor to the coming of Jesus Christ, who they believe fulfills the Law and inaugurates a new covenant based on grace.

This article examines the Christian interpretation of the Torah, its fulfillment in Jesus, and the transition from the Mosaic covenant to the new covenant prophesied in Jeremiah 31:31 and embodied in the teachings of Jesus as recorded in Matthew 5:17.

The Torah in Christian Theology:

In Christian theology, the Torah is revered as the Word of God and is seen as both historical and pedagogical. It contains the Law given to Moses, which guided the Israelites in their moral, ceremonial, and civil life. While Christians respect the moral principles of the Torah, they believe that its ceremonial and civil laws were specific to the Israelite context and that the coming of Christ transformed the application of the Law for believers.

Fulfillment in Jesus:

Christians believe that Jesus is the fulfillment of the Law, as He said in Matthew 5:17, “Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.” For Christians, this means that Jesus perfectly obeyed the Law and, through His life, death, and resurrection, He accomplished what the Law was pointing towards – the redemption of humanity. Thus, Jesus is seen as the embodiment of the Torah, the living Word who completes the written Word.

The New Covenant:

The concept of a new covenant is pivotal in Christian understanding of the relationship between the Torah and the teachings of Jesus. Jeremiah 31:31 speaks of a time when God will make a new covenant with the house of Israel, not like the covenant made with their ancestors. Christians interpret this new covenant as being realized in Jesus Christ. Through His sacrifice, Jesus established a new covenant of grace, where the emphasis shifts from adherence to the letter of the Law to a transformative relationship with God through faith in Christ.

The Role of the Torah as a Tutor:

Arnold Fruchtenbaum, a prominent Messianic Jewish theologian, encapsulates this view by stating, “The Torah was a tutor leading to Christ.” This metaphor, also used by the Apostle Paul in Galatians 3:24, suggests that the Law served to point out humanity’s sinfulness and need for redemption, thereby guiding them towards the grace found in Christ. The Torah’s regulations highlighted the impossibility of achieving righteousness through human effort alone, preparing the way for the acceptance of grace.

Resource Exploration – “Messianic Judaism”:

“Messianic Judaism” by David H. Stern offers an in-depth look at how believers in Jesus who identify culturally and ethnically with Judaism understand the relationship between the Torah and the New Testament. Stern discusses how Messianic Jews embrace their Jewish heritage while also affirming the new covenant through Jesus Christ. This resource can provide additional insights into the nuanced ways the Torah is viewed within the broader Christian context, especially among those who straddle the line between Jewish tradition and Christian faith.


The Christian view of the Torah is complex and multifaceted. It involves a deep respect for the Law given to Moses while also embracing the belief that Jesus Christ fulfills the Law and establishes a new covenant based on grace. This perspective sees the Torah not as nullified but as completed in the person and work of Jesus. For Christians, the Torah’s ultimate purpose is to lead to Christ, in whom the faithful find salvation and the full expression of God’s redemptive plan. Through this lens, the Torah is both a historical document and a spiritual guide that points beyond itself to the transformative power of God’s grace revealed in Jesus Christ.

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