What is the Christian view on the use of technology and medicine, given the belief in God’s sovereignty over life and health?

The Christian View on Technology and Medicine

> In an age where technology and medicine are advancing at an unprecedented pace, questions regarding their use within a Christian framework are increasingly relevant. How do Christians reconcile the use of modern technology and medicine with the belief in God’s sovereignty over life and health?

This article explores the Christian perspective on this issue, drawing upon biblical principles, the views of Christian scientists, and resources for further study.

Biblical Response to Technology and Medicine

While the Bible does not directly address contemporary technology or medical practices, it provides guiding principles that can inform a Christian understanding of these advancements. One such principle is stewardship, which involves the responsible management of resources and abilities entrusted to humanity by God. In this light, technology and medicine can be seen as gifts from God that humans are called to use wisely and compassionately.

Another biblical principle is the call to love and care for others. Jesus’ ministry was marked by healing and compassion towards the sick, exemplifying the value of seeking the well-being of individuals in need. Consequently, medical advancements that alleviate suffering and improve the quality of life are consistent with the Christian mandate to care for one another.

Christian scientists and theologians often view the development and application of medical technology as a means of fulfilling the biblical call to heal the sick and aid the vulnerable. They advocate for the use of technology and medicine as tools to extend God’s healing and care, while also emphasizing the need for ethical considerations and respect for the sanctity of life.

Scientific-Christian Perspective on Technology and Medicine

Prominent Christian scientists, such as geneticist Francis Collins, have been at the forefront of advocating for the ethical use of technology in medicine. As the former director of the National Institutes of Health and a leading figure in the Human Genome Project, Collins has spoken extensively about the potential for genetic research and other medical technologies to treat and prevent disease.

Collins, along with other Christian healthcare professionals, maintains that while God is sovereign over life and health, humans are called to be agents of healing. They argue that medical interventions can be seen as extensions of God’s care, provided they are used with wisdom and ethical discernment. This perspective holds that technology and medicine should be employed to serve the common good, protect human dignity, and uphold the value of each person as made in the image of God.

Further Study on Technology, Medicine, and Christianity

For those interested in exploring the intersection of Christianity, technology, and medicine further, “The Gift of Pain” by Dr. Paul Brand and Philip Yancey is an insightful resource. The book delves into the role of pain in the human experience, the importance of medical intervention, and the ways in which faith and medicine can collaborate to address human suffering.


The Christian view on the use of technology and medicine is one that embraces these advancements as tools for fulfilling God’s command to care for the sick and improve the human condition. Drawing from biblical principles of stewardship and compassion, Christians are encouraged to support and engage with medical technologies that align with ethical standards and respect for life. Influential Christian scientists like Francis Collins exemplify a faith-based approach to medicine that advocates for the responsible and ethical use of technology to heal and save lives. As Christians navigate the complexities of modern healthcare, resources such as “The Gift of Pain” provide valuable insights into how faith and medicine can work hand in hand to alleviate suffering and promote healing in a broken world.

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