Testimonies of Conversion: From Darkness to Light

Stories of Conversion

Five Contemporary Stories of Conversion

The journey to faith is as unique and varied as the individuals who embark upon it. Across the globe, countless people have experienced profound transformations that led them to embrace Christianity. These stories of conversion not only inspire but also serve as powerful reminders of the diverse pathways through which individuals come to faith. Here, we explore five contemporary stories of conversion that highlight the profound impact of embracing Christianity.

1. Nabeel Qureshi

Nabeel Qureshi, a former devout Muslim, embarked on a journey of faith that led him to Christianity after a close friendship challenged him to investigate the claims of Jesus Christ and the veracity of the Quran. His intellectual and spiritual quest is detailed in his book, “Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus,” where he recounts his struggle with the core beliefs he grew up with and the evidence that led him to embrace Christianity. Qureshi’s story is a testament to the power of friendship and the pursuit of truth.

2. Kirsten Powers

Kirsten Powers, a political analyst and commentator, experienced a profound transformation from atheism to Christianity. Her journey to faith began in a period of personal crisis, leading her to explore Christianity at the suggestion of a friend. Powers’s conversion was marked by an unexpected encounter with the tangible presence of Jesus, which she describes as an overwhelming experience of love and peace. Her story illustrates how personal crises can open the heart to the possibility of faith.

3. Lee Strobel

Lee Strobel, a former investigative journalist and self-proclaimed atheist, set out to disprove the existence of God after his wife’s unexpected conversion to Christianity. His journalistic inquiry, however, led him to the opposite conclusion. Strobel’s journey is documented in his book, “The Case for Christ,” where he shares the evidence that convinced him of the truth of Christianity. His story highlights the role of intellectual inquiry in the journey to faith.

4. Megan Phelps-Roper

Megan Phelps-Roper was raised in the Westboro Baptist Church, known for its extreme ideologies and picketing events. Her interactions on Twitter with people who challenged her beliefs with kindness and evidence led her to question and ultimately renounce the teachings of her church. Phelps-Roper’s story is a powerful narrative of how engagement and empathy can bridge even the widest divides.

5. Guillaume Bignon

Guillaume Bignon, a French atheistic computer scientist, experienced an unexpected conversion to Christianity after a series of personal encounters and intellectual challenges to his worldview. His journey from skepticism to faith involved a critical examination of philosophical arguments and the historical evidence for Christianity. Bignon’s story underscores the role of reason and evidence in the process of conversion.

Explore More Stories:

In each print issue, Christianity Today devotes the back page to stories of Christian conversion—from the quiet to the highly dramatic. Here are CT’s top testimonies of 2023, including some online exclusives, ranked in reverse order of what people read most.


Each of these stories captures a unique journey to Christianity, marked by personal crises, intellectual challenges, and transformative encounters. They remind us that the path to faith is often winding and unexpected, but it is also paved with hope, truth, and the possibility of renewal. For those inspired by these testimonies and seeking to explore further, the stories of faith and conversion continue to unfold in the lives of individuals around the world.

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